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FARM in the VELD​

FARM in the VELD is a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project on the kopjes of the Cradle of Humankind in the Kromdraai Valley, where regenerative soil is fed by crisp mountain springs, waterfalls and rills from ancient geological formations.


We farm bio-diverse vegetables, fruits, herbs, infusions and medicinals using ethical regenerative practices, free of pesticides, and full of natural goodness for our partner restaurants and subscribers for seasonal boxes packed with wholesome produce of the utmost quality and taste.

Our produce is ethically grown, full of flavour and character, eschewing the artificial perfection of the synthetic supermarket environment, where your spending supports extravagant advertising campaigns and exorbitant boardroom salaries before the well-being of the soil and those who work it.


Vegetable Boxes

​Standard Box:

Our signature veg box features a generous selection of freshly harvested seasonal vegetables from our farm.

Premium Box:

Our signature veg box features a generous selection of freshly harvested seasonal vegetables from our farm, plus a curated offering of locally sourced artisanal products.

FARMHOUSE58 and FARM in the VELD organic and sustainably farmed veggie box

All overnight guests at FARMHOUSE58 are FARM in the VELD subscribers for the duration of their stay. They can order boxes and participate in FARM in the VELD programmes by arrangement with the front desk.

Each FARM in the VELD box comes with a selected chef’s recipe and suggestions to make the most of the season.

As a subscriber, you will share in the transformation, integration and support of our community. 


Our farmers are from local on-farm and informal settlements, many of whom have not previously enjoyed employment or purpose – all of whom lacked opportunity. Their enthusiastic learning and commitment are testimony to their indomitable spirit and the dedication of our experienced farmers, imparting their skills and inspiration. 


Our partner farms are aligned with our belief that there is a better way to live together, to eat, drink and take pleasure from our existence.


Subscribers are invited to join the farmers and our guest experts in planting, nursing, harvesting and producing their crops and products on the days announced on our website,


or by prior arrangement with Jason or Paul at for groups wanting to deepen their understanding and the enjoyment of connecting to the source of their food.


In partnership with local NGOs Real Life and U Can Grow, a pack-house, cold-rooms and distribution centre serve local farmers; in particular, micro-farmers supported with seed-packs, training and funding

The 58 Agri-Hub develops agri-entrepreneurs through schools and households to create communities that grow their food and participate in a local micro-economy has distributed more than 300 starter packs in the Kromdraai Valley, with a further 700 packs to follow aggregates and distributes local produce to major retailers develops innovative regenerative soil practices, anti-bacterial, plant and worm cultures, unique to local conditions and fit for training to encourage broad-based, small-scale, sustainable farming.

Sunset over the Cradle of Humankind



What began as an environmental art collaboration with artist Nicholas Hester is steadily evolving into a sustainable apiary co-managed with Walter Thornhill, our bee-keeping partner.  We have 20 active hives, feeding from the natural and cultivated vegetation of the Valley.



An extensive system of large water bodies, streams, waterfalls, brooks, leiwaters and reservoirs captures fresh water from the surrounding hills, valleys and natural springs.

Water is central to our connection with nature.


We are committed to private-public engagement to constructively address the parlous condition of water in the Blauwbankspruit and related river systems of the Cradle of Humankind.

Large-scale global agriculture has depleted the health of the soil, which is critical to nutritious, flavoursome produce and our commitment to working with nature.

Our farmers produce their compost and mulch to replenish the soil along with generous annual cover-crop planting – free of unnatural pesticides and chemical stimulants.

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